for Instagram


In collaboration with Midsumma in Melbourne during January 2018, Instagram embarked on a noteworthy endeavour known as #KindComments in Melbourne. The initiative was an integral part of the global #KindComments campaign, which aims to propagate kindness both within and beyond Instagram's realm. Whether in observance of Trans Day of Visibility, spotlighting teens at Vidcon, standing in solidarity during Pride month, or presently, for the Midsumma festival in Melbourne, the project aimed to amplify empowering and compassionate sentiments that foster real-life connections and extend onto the platform.Originating as a worldwide effort, this project featured murals crafted by local artists in 10 cities spanning September and October of 2017. Our intention is to bring this initiative to Melbourne, where the city's walls will display the #KindComments hashtag, encouraging visitors and the global Instagram community to capture images or videos and share uplifting comments. Regardless of their physical location – whether standing before one of the designated walls or engaging through Instagram from anywhere in the world – anyone could partake in the #KindComments movement. By leaving a supportive comment on someone's post, individuals had the power to brighten someone's day, fostering an atmosphere of kindness and connection.

Image credit Nicole Reed and James Morgan


Authority Creative, One Sydney


Fishermans Bend